Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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birthday the day on which a person was born, usually celebrated each year on that date.
careful paying close attention to what one is doing; cautious.
dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction.
each every one of two or more things.
fan1 a machine that makes air move by means of blades that spin.
fierce wild and dangerous.
graph a drawing that shows information and the relationships between pieces of that information.
juice the natural liquid from plants or meats. The juice from fruits and vegetables is used for drinking.
raise to move to a higher position.
scene the place where any event takes place.
slow not moving fast or not able to move fast.
struggle the act or an instance of making a strong effort to resist or escape, especially by wriggling the body.
tablet a small, flat, round piece of medicine.
track a mark or series of marks left on the ground by the feet of people or animals, or the wheels of machines; trail.
wait to stay in one place until an expected event happens.