Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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arrow a thin stick with a point on one end. An arrow is a kind of weapon.
backward with the last part first; in a way that is the opposite of the usual way.
bread a food made with grains such as wheat or corn. Water, oil, and other ingredients are added to the grains, and the mixture is baked in an oven.
coin a piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round.
colorful having many colors; bright in color.
crowd a large number of people gathered together.
emperor the male ruler of an empire.
leave1 to go away from a place.
mostly almost completely; mainly.
oven a piece of equipment that you cook food in. An oven has a large metal box with a door.
really in fact; actually.
sap the liquid that carries nutrients and water to all parts of a plant.
talk to communicate by speaking.
tasty delicious; having a pleasing flavor.
town an area with streets, houses, and buildings that is similar to a city but usually smaller.