Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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announce to tell or make known.
beg to ask a favor of; to plead for.
belt a piece of cloth, leather, or other material that you wear around the waist.
clever having a quick mind; smart.
courtesy good, polite manners.
dye a substance that is used to give color to cloth, hair, or other materials.
field a wide area of open land.
floor the lowest surface in a room; the surface on which one stands in a room.
kit a group of things together in one place for a particular use.
neat clean and in proper order, or liking to keep things that way.
pain bad or terrible feeling in your body that is usually caused by injury or illness.
post1 a piece of wood, metal, or other material placed upright in the ground to mark or support something.
rent the regular payment that you give to the owner of a property for the use of a space.
rug a piece of thick material used to cover part of a floor.
sensible having or showing good judgment; wise.