Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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acceptable good enough to be approved of; satisfactory.
banker1 an owner or high level employee of an institution where money is kept safe, exchanged, or lent.
diet the food and drink usually eaten and drunk by a person or animal.
geography the physical features of an area on the earth's surface.
grope to feel about or feel one's way with the hands.
headline the title to a newspaper article that tells what the article is about. The headline for the most important news is in the largest type on the front page of the paper.
hermit a person who lives alone and away from others. Often a person becomes a hermit in order to lead a religious life.
pleasure a feeling of happiness, delight, or joy.
rare1 not often found or seen; not common.
retire to give up a job or career.
serious marked by careful thinking or consideration.
signal a movement, action, or device used to communicate instructions, warning, or other information.
support to bear.
surface the outside limit or top layer of something.
whiten to make or become white.