Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bay1 a body of water with land around it but that is open to the sea on one side.
brag to speak in a way that is too proud about something you do or have.
explorer a person who travels through an area that is unknown to find out what is there.
field a wide area of open land.
grab to take hold of suddenly or with force.
nation a country made up of people living under their own government.
operator a person whose job is to control a machine.
panic a sudden strong fear or anger that causes people to act without thinking.
peck2 to strike, or pick up quickly with the beak.
pit1 a deep natural or artificial hole in the ground.
tack a short pin with a flat, wide head.
telephone to call or speak to someone using an electronic device that sends and receives sound over long distances.
twin either of two children or animals born at the same time to one mother.
underground located, living, or taking place beneath the earth's surface.
word a sound or group of sounds that has some meaning that other people can understand. Words are a basic unit of language.