Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adaptable abed to be changed in order to serve a different purpose or work in a new way.
brochure a small booklet or pamphlet, especially one that contains pictures and is used for advertising purposes.
catalyst an agent that causes an interaction between persons or forces without being affected itself.
covenant a usually formal agreement between two or more parties to engage in or refrain from something.
elapse to go or slip by; pass or come to an end.
enact to make into a law.
excess more than is needed or usual; extra.
hieroglyphic a picture or symbol that stands for a word or sound; single hieroglyphic symbol.
hostage someone held prisoner by a person or group trying to force another person or group to meet certain demands.
moreover beyond what has already been said; in addition; also.
prerequisite something required beforehand.
renowned known and praised by many; famous.
reverie a state of daydreaming, reminiscing, or musing.
tantalize to tease or torment with the sight or prospect of something desirable but unattainable.
verdict the decision of a judge or jury in a law case.