Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bus1 a long motor vehicle with many rows of seats that carries many people.
cord a covered wire that carries electricity to a piece of equipment such as a television or lamp.
deal to handle or give your attention to.
dust tiny, dry pieces of dirt or other material that is in the air and collects on surfaces.
engine a machine that uses energy from a source such as gasoline or electricity to do work.
inner located inside.
innocent free from evil or knowledge of evil.
lend to let someone use something that is yours. When you lend a thing to someone, you expect that person to return it to you.
sack a large bag made of thick paper or other strong material. A sack is used to hold grain, potatoes, supplies, or other heavy things.
speech the power to speak, or the act of speaking.
tea a drink that is made by putting dried leaves of certain plants in hot water. The leaves usually come from a special plant that grows in Asia.
underground located, living, or taking place beneath the earth's surface.
wade to walk in water or something else that makes movement slower or more difficult.
wash to make something clean by using water or soap.
wool the thick, soft hair of sheep and some other animals, which is often used by people to make fabric for clothes, blankets, and other things.