Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affluent having a lot of money; rich; wealthy.
atrophy a gradual wasting away of a body part, especially from insufficient use or nourishment.
circuitous having or taking a long and winding course or procedure; roundabout; indirect.
droll wryly amusing or humorous.
fluency the ability to speak or write smoothly and easily in another language.
grievous causing emotional or physical suffering; painful.
hitherto until this time; previously.
incandescent giving off light as a result of being heated.
infidelity unfaithfulness, especially to marital vows; adultery.
irksome causing annoyance; bothersome or tiresome.
metabolism the processes in plants and animals by which food is changed into energy or used to make cells and tissues.
personable pleasing in appearance or manner; friendly; attractive.
suffice to meet the needs, goals, or the like of; be adequate for.
temerity reckless or foolish boldness; rash disregard of danger.
unregulated not subject to rules or constraints.