Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cast a thick, stiff covering for an injured limb or joint, especially one in which the bone is broken. A cast is made of cloth and some kind of liquid material that can become very hard and solid.
contain to hold or have within.
driveway a private road that leads from a street to a building such as a house or garage.
drunk having had too much alcohol to drink.
gong a large piece of metal shaped like a plate that makes a loud ringing sound when struck with a stick or hammer.
housework the work of taking care of a household, especially cleaning inside the house.
locker a small metal cabinet that can be locked. It is used to keep clothes and personal things.
mark a spot, line, or other shape that can be seen on a surface.
model a small copy of something.
nod to move the head up and down in order to greet or agree with someone.
owner a person who owns something.
punishment a way of causing someone to suffer or experience something bad for having done something wrong.
rack a frame or stand used to hold, hang, or show things.
rusty covered with rust; not working well.
shut to close by moving something that covers an opening.