Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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avid having or showing great enthusiasm.
catechism a summary of the principles of a religion, especially Christianity, in the form of questions and answers.
expeditious prompt and efficient.
haggard having a very tired, worried, or wasted look.
imponderable unable to be evaluated or calculated accurately.
inopportune occurring at an undesirable or unreasonable time.
laud to praise.
mercurial volatile in temper; changeable; fickle.
nascent coming into being or starting to develop.
notoriety the condition or quality of being widely known or spoken of, especially for something that is not good.
onerous unwanted, unpleasant, and burdensome.
quota the part or share of something that is due to a person or group.
reciprocate to give (feelings or things) in return.
resuscitate to bring back to life or consciousness; revive.
underrate to value or appreciate insufficiently; underestimate.