Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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balcony a platform with a low wall or railing that extends from the outside of a building.
card a small, thick piece of paper used for sending a message to another person.
change to make different.
cool a little cold; not warm.
cost the amount of money charged or paid for something.
dance to move the feet and body to music.
finally after everything else; at the final moment.
half one of two equal parts of a whole.
invisible not able to be seen.
lone without others; alone.
rainbow a curved arc of light of many colors across the sky. Rainbows are caused by the sun's shining through drops of water during or after a rain.
sink to fall slowly to a lower level.
spout to force out in a steady stream.
stranger a person that you do not know.
struggle the act or an instance of making a strong effort to resist or escape, especially by wriggling the body.