Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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berserk violently enraged; wildly destructive.
cameo a stone carved so as to leave a slightly raised image of one color and a background of another, often worn as jewelry.
civilization an advanced state of development of a society as judged by such things as having a system of government and laws, using a written language, and keeping written records.
climax the most exciting or interesting point in a series of events.
complexion the natural color and condition of the skin, especially of the face.
diva a renowned female opera singer; prima donna.
exclusive keeping out all others.
inactive not moving or operating; inert; quiescent.
infection the act of infecting or an instance or condition of being infected.
mutilate to destroy by cutting or tearing off a necessary part.
opera a play in which all or most of the words are sung and the music is played by an orchestra.
overlook to fail to see or notice.
portfolio a collection of unbound papers or other printed material, often constituting a sample of one's professional work, intended to be shown to others and transported from place to place in a specially designed case.
refuge a place that protects from danger or difficulty.
scandal a reported behavior or event that is illegal or considered morally wrong and which causes strongly negative public reaction.