Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bother to annoy or give trouble to.
case2 a container for holding, carrying, or keeping things safe.
cupboard a piece of furniture with shelves to store food, dishes, or other things.
fill to cause to become full; put as much as possible into.
fruit the part of a plant that has seeds and flesh. Most fruits that people eat are sweet.
fuel anything such as wood or gasoline that is burned as a source of energy.
greet to use words or simple actions that show pleasure or respect when you meet someone or start a letter.
kiss to touch or press with the lips as a sign of love or respect.
less to a smaller degree or amount.
okay all right; satisfactory, acceptable.
root the part of a plant that grows under the ground. Roots take in water and food, and they hold the plant in the soil.
slime a slippery liquid, such as thin mud or the slippery substance on fish.
sorry feeling sad because you have done something wrong or because something bad happened.
tag a piece of thick paper, thin metal, or plastic that gives information and is attached to something.
tray a flat, open piece of wood, metal, plastic, or some other material, used to carry, hold, or show food, drink, or small things. It often has a low edge.