Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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anemia a medical condition caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working properly. People with anemia may be pale, feel weak, and have difficulty breathing.
calamity an event causing great harm, pain, or destruction; disaster.
debut a person's first appearance on stage, in concert, or on film.
discipline training of the body or mind to bring about good performance and good behavior.
extravagant spending too much; spending in a foolish or careless way.
finale the last part of a piece of music.
hostage someone held prisoner by a person or group trying to force another person or group to meet certain demands.
innovative new and inventive.
interaction action of one upon another or others; action in response to others; influence, or effect.
paramount most important; chief; highest.
resistant capable of opposing or willing to oppose.
restraint the act or process of holding oneself back or holding another back.
torrent a heavy flow of water with a strong current, such as a rushing stream, a flood, or a heavy rainfall.
universal of, having to do with, or characteristic of the whole world or the world's population.
widespread happening or scattered over a large area.