Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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answer what you say or write after someone asks you a question; a reply.
awake to rouse from sleep.
bead a small, round object made of material such as glass, wood, or plastic. A bead has a small hole through its center so it can be put on a string to make necklaces or to decorate clothing.
crew a group of people who work together.
happily in a glad, cheerful, or joyful way.
job work a person does every day or every week and gets paid for.
lazy not wanting to work or use effort.
mirror a smooth surface that shows an image of whatever is in front of it.
mud wet earth that has turned soft.
protect to defend or keep safe from danger or harm.
rail one of the two long steel bars along which a train moves.
robbery the act of stealing money or property from a person or place; the act of robbing.
straight without a curve or bend.
table a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more legs.
wave the water that rises from the surface of a body of water.