Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blade the part of a knife, scissors, or other tool that cuts.
cigar a thin, tight roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
close to shut.
country a large area of land where people live under the same government or have the same culture; nation.
crop plants grown on a farm.
den the resting place of wolves, lions, and other large wild animals.
fight a battle or argument.
laugh to smile and make sounds with your mouth. People usually laugh when something is funny to them, but laughing can express other feelings also.
miss1 to fail to hit, catch, reach, cross, or touch.
rise to move up in direction.
smack to hit noisily with an open hand; slap.
steep having a sharp slope.
sunset the moment each day when the sun goes below the western horizon.
upon on.
wax a solid yellow substance that is made with fats or oils. It melts when you heat it for a short time.