Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accomplishment something that has been successfully done or completed; an achievement.
coincide to be in the same place or happen at the same time.
cooperate to work with others.
difficulty the condition of being hard to do.
dose an amount of medicine to be taken at one time or at certain times.
downward toward a lower place or condition.
doze to sleep lightly or for a short time.
exist to be real; have being.
hunch to lift up or arch into a hump.
occupation the work a person does to earn a living; profession.
overwhelm to beat or defeat by greater force; destroy.
repel to ward off or force back.
secure to make a place safe from unwanted entrance or attack.
smolder to burn slowly and with smoke, but with little or no flame.
strongly with great certainty or passion.