Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allusion an indirect reference to or mention of something.
gradation a gradual almost imperceptible change, especially from one tone or texture to another.
hone to make more effective or adept; perfect.
incongruous not suitable or fitting; out of place.
increment a rise or addition in number or value, often small.
inexcusable unable to be justified; unpardonable.
nominal in name alone.
peccadillo a minor sin or offense, or a slight fault.
profusion an abundant supply or display.
rebate a part of a payment that is returned.
sedate composed and dignified.
tithe an amount of money, produce, or goods equal in value to a tenth of one's income, given or paid as a contribution or tax, especially to a church.
torrid parched or scorched by the sun, as a geographic area.
ulterior beyond or excluded from what is openly admitted or shown, especially when concealed for the purposes of deception.
voracious consuming large quantities of food with greed or great desire; ravenous.