Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acrimonious filled with bitterness or rancor.
contention a point asserted in argument or debate.
contrive to plan in a clever way; invent.
culmination the highest point; zenith; climax.
dissipate to cause to disappear by, or as though by, dispersing or dissolving.
eccentricity an odd or peculiar behavior, habit, interest, or the like.
gargantuan (sometimes capitalized) of enormous proportions; huge; gigantic.
impassive not having, showing, or responding to emotion; unfeeling, expressionless, or insensitive.
penitent feeling or showing sorrow or regret for having done wrong.
premonition an advance sign or warning; forewarning.
progenitor an ancestor or forebear.
sobriety abstinence from alcohol; temperance.
ulterior beyond or excluded from what is openly admitted or shown, especially when concealed for the purposes of deception.
uncouth lacking manners or refinement; rude, vulgar, or gauche.
vicarious experienced through imagined participation in someone else's actions, sufferings, or the like.