Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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account a story or report.
actively in a way that involves making an effort, taking action, or participating.
bloodshot red and irritated because of enlarged blood vessels.
conspiracy a secret agreement among two or more people to do something wrong or illegal; plot.
figure a number or other written symbol that is not a letter of the alphabet.
genius an unusual ability to think or create in ways that go far beyond what most people can do.
headdress a covering or decoration for the head.
herb a plant that is used for healing the body or to give a pleasant smell or taste to something.
humor a quality that makes people laugh or feel amused.
independent not ruled by another; ruling oneself.
intend to have in mind as something to do.
participation the act of taking part in.
scrimp to save in every way possible; to spend very little.
shift to change one's position, or to move from one place to another.
trigger to cause, begin, or set off.