Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bountiful willing to give plenty; generous.
eligible qualified for something; in a position to be chosen.
fortitude strength, endurance, and patience in the face of adversity or temptation.
genre a category of artistic work marked by a particular specified form, technique, or content.
impair to lessen the strength or ability of; damage.
oral spoken, rather than written; carried out by speaking.
psychic of, caused by, or pertaining to nonphysical, spiritual, or supernatural processes or influences.
realization something that has been suddenly understood; insight.
revisit to visit or go to again, especially with the intent to examine something or to relive an important experience.
sculpture an object of art or craft made by carving, chiseling, or molding.
stellar brilliant; outstanding.
tyranny a government in which a single person rules absolutely and in a cruel way.
unidentified having an unknown or as yet undetermined name or nature; not identified.
variable something that can change or that has no fixed value.
vault2 to arrive at a position or accomplish something suddenly, as if with a leap or spring.