Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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apostate a person who abandons his or her religious faith, principles, cause, or the like.
cohesion the state or quality of having parts that are logically ordered or connected into a whole.
creditor someone to whom money is owed.
disembark to put or go ashore from a ship.
duplicitous deceitful, treacherous, or double-dealing.
flagrant exceptionally or glaringly noticeable.
hallow to respect or honor highly; venerate.
indispose to cause unwillingness or disinclination in; make averse.
infidelity unfaithfulness, especially to marital vows; adultery.
languish to lose strength or energy; weaken.
naturalistic exhibiting or pertaining to naturalism.
preposterous totally unlikely, unbelievable, or senseless; absurd.
progression the act of moving forward or onward.
reverent characterized by, showing, or feeling great respect and awe mingled with love.
stupor a state of unconsciousness, insensibility, or torpor.