Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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attentive watching or listening carefully.
brink the edge or brim of a slope or cliff.
combination the result of an act of putting things together or mixing them.
congratulate to praise and express pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
educate to provide knowledge, training, and guidance to.
fascinate to attract and hold the attention and interest of.
hoard a collection or supply of something that is hidden or stored in order to have it available in the future.
mammoth a very large extinct mammal closely related to elephants. Mammoths were much bigger than elephants, and had shaggy black fur and long tusks that curved upward. Several kinds of mammoths lived in the Northern Hemisphere until the end of the last Ice Age.
marketplace an area, either outside or inside, where goods are sold.
mesh a material or article made of fiber woven to form open spaces, as in a net.
occupation the work a person does to earn a living; profession.
partially partly; not completely.
rouse to waken from sleep or a state similar to sleep.
safely without being harmed.
technology a field of knowledge having to do with the practical applications of science and industry, or the inventions and methods of solving problems that are produced through research in these areas.