Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ancestry line of descent; lineage.
broker a person whose business is to negotiate buying and selling, especially of stocks or real estate, on another's behalf.
collide to strike or bump into one another with force.
complexity the state or condition of being complex or complicated.
eclipse the blocking from view of the sun, a moon, or a planet by another heavenly body. In an eclipse of the sun, the sun is hidden from earth's view by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.
engineering the study and practice of using scientific and mathematical knowledge to do practical things. Knowledge of engineering is needed to design and build roads, bridges, tools, and machines.
hospitality friendly, warm, and generous ways of entertaining or taking care of guests or strangers.
ineffective producing little or none of the desired or intended impact.
leisurely unhurried; slow.
linger to remain or be slow to leave.
reasonable using good sense and clear thinking.
recede to move away or back; become more distant.
recur to happen again or over and over.
sensitivity the quality of being acutely responsive mentally or emotionally.
succession the act or process of following or coming after something or someone else.