Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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currently at the present time; now.
exhibition a public showing of art, crafts, products, or skills.
fiction writing that tells a story made up in a writer's imagination. Fiction is usually written in prose, not poetry. Novels, short stories, and tales are pieces of fiction.
govern to rule or lead.
handful the amount that can be held in a single hand.
hoard a collection or supply of something that is hidden or stored in order to have it available in the future.
horrid causing a feeling of horror; dreadful; frightening.
hygiene the practice of keeping clean to stay healthy and prevent disease.
marriage the state of two people being joined by law, having pledged to be faithful to one another all their lives as a couple.
offender one who has upset or harmed another or has broken a law.
presidency the office, length of service, and jobs of a president.
stub a short part that sticks out; stump.
tang a sharp, strong flavor or odor.
terrorist one who uses violence, torture, or physical intimidation to achieve one's ends, especially one's political ends.
tunic an article of clothing that is loose and hangs to the knees. Tunics sometimes do not have sleeves and are sometimes belted. The ancient Greeks and Romans wore tunics.