Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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area a place or region.
bury to cover in the ground with dirt.
forward toward a place or time that is further on or in the future; ahead.
magic related to or used in the mysterious or supernatural control of objects or events.
pilgrim a person who takes a trip to a holy place for a religious purpose.
plan an action one intends to take; aim.
plot1 the story line or order of events in a book, play, or movie.
practice To repeat something in order to do it better.
silk a fine, soft, shiny fiber produced by certain insects.
slow not moving fast or not able to move fast.
stadium a place used for sports events and other outdoor activities. Stadiums have rows of seats that rise up around an open field.
temper a usual state of mind of manner of feeling.
ton a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds.
trail a path or course through a forest or other rural place.
wide reaching across a large area from side to side.