Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ascend to go upward; climb; rise.
cloak a long, loose, outer garment without sleeves.
contrast to compare in order to make differences clear.
decree an official order or decision by a ruler or government.
emblem an object that stands for something; symbol.
enroll to enlist or sign up officially.
graceless inappropriate or socially awkward.
ineffective producing little or none of the desired or intended impact.
molecule the smallest unit of a substance that has all the properties of that substance. A molecule is made up of a single atom or group of atoms.
pastor a minister or priest in charge of a church or congregation.
pedestrian a person who is walking.
perceive to become aware of through the senses.
revive to bring back into use or popularity.
toll2 a charge for using a bridge or a road.
vat a very large barrel, tub, or tank, used for holding liquids.