Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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alert to warn or make aware.
born a past participle of bear1.
course the direction or way along which something moves.
daytime the time between dawn and evening.
due required or expected to arrive.
dust tiny, dry pieces of dirt or other material that is in the air and collects on surfaces.
garden an area of land used for growing flowers or vegetables.
hide to put or keep away from view.
jet an airplane with engines that give off a flow of heated gases to cause forward movement.
juice the natural liquid from plants or meats. The juice from fruits and vegetables is used for drinking.
laugh to smile and make sounds with your mouth. People usually laugh when something is funny to them, but laughing can express other feelings also.
rail one of the two long steel bars along which a train moves.
trainer a person who prepares people or animals for competition through exercise, practice, and diet.
trash anything that is thrown away because it is not wanted.
uniform a special suit of clothing worn by all members of a particular group.