Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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compatible able to exist or function harmoniously with another.
constitutional having to do with a constitution.
deluge a flood caused by a great amount of water.
drone2 to talk in a boring voice without changing one's tone.
haunt to come very often and painfully to the mind or memory of (a person).
jovial very cheerful, friendly, and merry; jolly.
laden filled with a great weight.
liberal generous.
maniac a person who has a very strong desire or enthusiasm for something.
milestone an important event or turning point in history or in a person's life.
offset to make up for or balance.
prevail to emerge as dominant (often followed by "over").
psychic of, caused by, or pertaining to nonphysical, spiritual, or supernatural processes or influences.
quirky characterized by oddities or peculiarities.
stellar brilliant; outstanding.