Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aggressive mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or start fights.
application a way of being used.
confront to meet, face, or stand up to boldly.
cooperation the act of working together.
disgruntle to make irritably dissatisfied or discontent.
intimate very warm, friendly, or close.
literally word for word.
lush growing thick and healthy.
mutilate to destroy by cutting or tearing off a necessary part.
obese very fat.
segregation the practice of separating people according to groups, especially racial groups.
snare1 anything intended to lure, tempt, or entangle unsuspecting victims; trap.
thereafter following that; from then on.
transitional of or pertaining to a change from one position, stage, or situation to another.
viable capable of germinating, growing, or developing, as a living organism or social organization.