Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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chimney a tall, hollow structure that carries smoke up through a building and to the outside.
curve a line that bends smoothly in one direction without any straight parts.
favor something kind you do for someone else.
flip to throw in such a way as to cause to turn over or spin.
midnight twelve o'clock at night.
painful causing discomfort in the body, as from an injury or illness.
precious of great worth or value.
push to move something or cause something to move by using pressure against it.
send to cause to be carried to another place, especially by mail.
size how big or small an object is.
sleep to be in a state of rest for the body and mind. When people sleep, their eyes are closed and they are not conscious.
soon in a short time.
spot a mark that is different in color from the area around it.
together in or into one group or mass.
wing a part of the body of some animals that they use for flying. Insects and birds have wings.