Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aesthetic having to do with beauty or art, including literature, dance, music, painting, drawing, and sculpture.
cacophonous characterized by a discordant, sometimes unpleasant, mixture of sounds.
collusion action undertaken in secret partnership or collaboration, usually for illicit purposes.
communal of or belong to members of a group; public; collective.
deprave to change for the worse, especially morally; corrupt; pervert.
depravity moral corruption; wickedness.
filch to steal (usually something of slight value) in a sly manner; pilfer.
metabolism the processes in plants and animals by which food is changed into energy or used to make cells and tissues.
misnomer an incorrect or inappropriate name.
morass something that hinders passage or engulfs an unwary person.
ponderous heavily labored and dull.
profuse great in amount or number.
redolent suggesting or recalling (usually followed by "of").
singular extraordinary or exceptional.
universality the quality, character, or condition of being universal.