Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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angel a spiritual being who acts as a servant or messenger of God. Angels are often represented as human figures with wings and a halo.
badly not well; in a bad way.
booth a closed place or stall that has room for one person or a small group.
dairy a business that makes and sells milk, butter, and cheese.
delicious having a pleasing taste or smell.
finish to reach or cause the end of; complete.
hair a single, thin structure like a thread that grows on the body of humans and some animals.
hood a covering for the head and neck that may be attached to a coat, jacket, or other piece of clothing.
hotel a place with many rooms and beds where people pay money to sleep and eat meals.
hunt to search for and try to kill (animals) for food or sport.
job work a person does every day or every week and gets paid for.
peck2 to strike, or pick up quickly with the beak.
punch1 a hard, quick hit with the closed hand.
rug a piece of thick material used to cover part of a floor.
until up to the time when.