Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accommodate to have room for.
aspire to want strongly; have as an aim (usually followed by to or after).
audacious very bold or adventurous; daring.
ballad a poem or song that tells a story.
consultant someone whose job it is to give advice to others on a particular subject; expert.
fanciful exhibiting use of the imagination; whimsical or imaginative.
import something that is brought in from another country and usually sold as merchandise.
indefinite not certain, not clear, or not having fixed limits.
irregular uneven in shape, arrangement, surface, or some other way.
levy the collection by a government of money, property, or troops.
mosaic a picture or design made with many small colored pieces of glass, tile, or stone. These pieces are fitted together and cemented into place.
narrative a story, description, or account of events.
redirect to guide to a different destination or by a different route.
streamline to alter so as to make simpler or more efficient, compact, or up-to-date.
suspicion the act or an instance of not believing or doubting.