Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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admit to let in; allow to enter.
carton a box made of heavy paper.
cast a thick, stiff covering for an injured limb or joint, especially one in which the bone is broken. A cast is made of cloth and some kind of liquid material that can become very hard and solid.
eager wanting very much.
emergency a sudden dangerous situation that requires immediate action or help.
erase to remove by rubbing away.
housework the work of taking care of a household, especially cleaning inside the house.
jewel a special stone that has been cut and made smooth. Jewels are used to make jewelry.
mow to cut down with a blade or machine.
night the period between the time when the sun sets in the evening and when it rises in the morning.
sensible having or showing good judgment; wise.
softly in a way that makes little sound; quietly.
stormy having or characterized by storms.
tired needing sleep or rest.
uncle the brother of one's father or mother, or the husband of one's aunt.