Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annihilate to destroy completely.
arrogance the condition or quality of being arrogant; having too much pride or belief in one's superiority.
conclusive serving to reach a final answer or decision, or to settle.
desecration the act of or an instance of violating the sacredness of something.
disinterest lack of bias or self-interest; impartiality.
endemic native to or restricted to a given place or population.
fallacy a false or misleading idea or notion, especially one that is commonly held.
loquacity the quality or an instance of talking a great deal or excessively; talkativeness.
potency the condition of being strong in effect or powerful.
precept a basic rule, principle, or directive that guides action, moral conduct, or thought.
respite a period of rest, especially from something difficult or unpleasant.
staid formal, solemn, and reserved in character.
sublime exalted or noble; lofty.
trove a collection of valuable or desirable things.
verdant green.