Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affix to attach or join physically (usually used with "to").
aloft high above the ground.
decorum properness of behavior, manner, appearance, or the like; dignity; propriety.
dehumanize to deprive of individuality, spirit, or other human qualities; render routine or mechanical.
dilapidated fallen into ruin or decay.
eventuality something that might happen; contingent occurrence.
excoriate to denounce or criticize severely.
fallacy a false or misleading idea or notion, especially one that is commonly held.
gibe a mocking or derisive comment.
inviolable absolutely not to be breached, dishonored or profaned.
jingoism aggressive nationalism and patriotism, especially as directed against foreign countries.
lampoon an attack through ridicule, as in an essay, cartoon, or comedy; satire.
ostentatious done or designed with the intention of impressing others and consequently overly showy or grandiose; pretentious.
revivalist suited to or aimed at the purpose of bringing back former beliefs, ideas, or practices.
staid formal, solemn, and reserved in character.