Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abrasion a spot or patch that has been scraped, as on the skin.
annex to add or attach to something larger.
assurance a statement meant to give confidence.
burrow a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals for use as a hiding place or home.
cognitive of, pertaining to, or involving the use of the mind for acquiring knowledge and processing thought.
demographic of or relating to the study of human populations, involving statistical analysis of size, distribution, density, migration, fertility, and the like.
encore "Once more!"; "Again!"
policy1 a set of rules or a plan that is used as a guide for action.
prohibition the act of forbidding.
pun a humorous play on words based on two words that are close in sound but different in meaning.
regional of or relating to a particular geographical area.
strategy a plan, method, or series of actions meant to perform a particular goal or effect.
theoretical relating to or consisting of an explanation based on abstract reasoning and speculation rather than facts and evidence; hypothetical.
typhoon a hurricane that occurs in the western Pacific area and the China Sea.
verdict the decision of a judge or jury in a law case.