Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afternoon the time of day between noon and evening.
area a place or region.
asleep in a state of sleep.
breathe to take air into and out of the lungs.
corridor a hall or passageway.
enormous very large in size or amount; huge.
hoop a large ring of wood, plastic, or metal, such as a child uses as a toy or an animal jumps through.
messenger a person who carries and delivers messages and packages.
opinion what you think about something or somebody.
owe to have to pay; be in debt to someone.
palace the official home of a king or queen or other person of high rank, or a fancy home where a king or queen might live.
roof the surface or covering on the top of a building.
student a person who goes to a school or college.
tack a short pin with a flat, wide head.
water the clear liquid that is in rain and that fills up rivers, lakes, and oceans.