Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accommodate to have room for.
acute sharp; severe.
constructive serving to make better or more clear; helpful.
contemporary happening in or belonging to the same period of time.
dispatch to send off to a particular place or for a particular purpose.
familiarity knowledge or understanding of a particular thing.
frigid very cold; freezing.
hypothetical based on a premise rather than having substance in reality; supposed.
lodge to be or become caught or stuck in a certain position.
madden to enrage or inflame.
placement the act of putting into position or the state of being put into position; location.
profit the amount of money made by a business that is more than the amount put in at the start or paid out as expenses.
stellar brilliant; outstanding.
tedious long and boring; dull; wearisome.
tremor a shaking or trembling.