Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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basis something that supports and is needed by all the other parts; starting point or foundation.
defense the act of protecting or guarding.
dismay alarm, confusion, or mental distress.
dome a rounded roof or ceiling on a room or building.
equality the condition of being the same in value, measure, or amount.
glossary a list of unusual or difficult words and their meanings connected with a particular subject or particular piece of writing. A glossary is often placed at the end of a book.
guideline a rule that tells people how to do something in the way that is considered best.
prison a building for holding and punishing people who have broken the law.
rehearse to practice for a show, play, concert, or other performance.
reluctant not willing or enthusiastic.
rust an orange or reddish brown coating that forms on metal that has been exposed to air and water.
slang very informal speech that is made up of new words, or new meanings of old words. Slang is not appropriate for serious conversation or writing.
software any of the programs that are written to operate a computer.
success a person or thing that does or goes well.
taxpayer one who pays or owes taxes.