Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agreement common understanding; harmony; accord.
arch a curved structure made out of stone or brick and used to span an open space such as a door.
astonish to fill with great surprise or amazement.
avoid to keep away from.
ballot a piece of paper on which people who are voting enter their choices.
mattress a large pad that supports the body while sleeping, made of a strong fabric filled with soft material such as cotton, hair, straw, or foam rubber.
muzzle the part of the head of some animals that contains the nose, jaws, and mouth.
patriotic feeling or showing love for and loyalty to one's country.
producer a person or company that makes something.
remind to cause (someone) to recall something.
respectable displaying good breeding, manners, or character.
sample to test a part of something.
survive to continue to live despite serious threat to one's life.
swift moving or able to move very rapidly.
terrorism the use of violence or fear by a political group as a way of forcing others to meet its demands.