Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amicable characterized by good will; friendly.
avid having or showing great enthusiasm.
blasphemy disrespect or irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable, especially God.
coherent lumping, holding, or sticking together.
decadence a decline into immorality; loss of moral values.
dissuade to urge or convince not to do something.
exemplar one worthy to be imitated or studied; model.
gingerly in a careful or cautious manner; warily.
irreparable impossible to repair, restore, or rectify.
linear having to do with a line; straight.
lucrative producing monetary gain; profitable.
omnipotent possessing infinite power; all-powerful.
stringent rigorous or exacting; strict.
vindictive desirous of revenge; vengeful.
winsome attractive or charming.