Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ambiguous having more than one possible meaning.
chronological according to the order in which things happen.
chronology the order of events in time.
discharge to shoot or fire off.
inaugurate to start or cause to start formally.
inflate to make larger or expand.
installation the act of installing or condition of being installed.
legitimate allowed by the law or by rules; legal.
minimize to make as small as possible.
miserly stingy or penurious.
passport an official document that shows that the holder is a citizen of a country. A passport gives one the right to travel in other countries and return to one's own country.
prior happening earlier in time or sequence.
secondary not first in importance or value; less important.
sophisticated having or showing a lot of knowledge or experience; not ignorant or simple.
spasm a sudden uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.