Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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alike in the same way.
beg to ask a favor of; to plead for.
eager wanting very much.
earn to receive money for work that you have done.
front the most forward part or side of something.
gesture to make a motion with the body that expresses a feeling or thought.
graph a drawing that shows information and the relationships between pieces of that information.
icy covered with ice.
offer to present something to be accepted or refused.
palace the official home of a king or queen or other person of high rank, or a fancy home where a king or queen might live.
pray to request in a serious and sincere way, especially of one's god.
rich having a great amount of money or valuable possessions.
sign something that shows a fact, event, or some other thing.
ticket a small piece of paper that shows that you have paid for something.
untrue not correct or accurate; false.