Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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apparel clothing.
assumption something that is supposed or believed without questioning. For example, if you ask someone whether she is allowed to watch TV during dinner, you have made an assumption that there is a TV in her house. Assumptions are ideas people have that are not based on proven facts. An assumption can be correct or incorrect.
conceive to give shape to in the mind.
continental of or pertaining to the whole of one of the major land masses, such as Europe or South America.
correlation a relationship or correspondence between two or more things.
cultural of or relating to the language, customs, ideas, and art of a particular group of people.
estate a piece of land with a large house on it.
ethnic of or relating to a group of people who share the same culture, race, or nationality.
insider one with privileged knowledge or access to it.
invaluable having value too great to guess or measure; priceless.
migration the act or process of moving to another region to live, especially in a group.
probe an instrument or tool used to explore the shape, condition, or depth of something that cannot be seen directly.
recognition the act of realizing that one knows someone or something.
resort a place where people go to relax and have fun while on vacation.
writhe to twist and turn the body as in pain, discomfort, struggle, or embarrassment; squirm.