Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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belligerence a very aggressive or hostile attitude; warlike nature.
buttress a structure built to give support to the outside of a building or a wall.
cadaver a dead body, especially one used for medical research or instruction.
circumscribe to keep within bounds; confine; restrict.
euphony a pleasing, harmonious quality of sounds, especially words.
exhaustive thorough and all-encompassing.
fidelity loyalty or faithfulness to obligations, promises, or those to whom one has made a commitment.
inhibit to hold back, restrain, prevent, or tend to do so.
inopportune occurring at an undesirable or unreasonable time.
irony a manner of using language so that it conveys a different or opposite meaning to that which is literally expressed in the words themselves. Irony is used in ordinary conversation and also as a literary technique, especially to express criticism or to produce humor or pathos.
materialize to become fact; be realized.
perfectionist one who tends not to be satisfied with less than flawless performance from herself or himself.
polemic an emphatic statement of a controversial viewpoint, usually criticizing or refuting an existing position.
prowess great skill or talent; superior ability.
ruse a trick, pretense, or diversion intended to deceive or mislead.