Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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animate to bring to life.
appropriation the act of taking something as one's own, often without permission.
exclude to leave out; keep out.
intern a doctor who recently graduated from medical school and is working with more experienced doctors to finish training.
levy the collection by a government of money, property, or troops.
literate able to read and write.
mar to damage or spoil, especially on the surface or face, but not severely.
minority a group of people in a country who make up a smaller part of the whole population and have something in common, such as their family backgrounds or their religion, that is different from the larger population.
onward toward a point or position ahead in space or time.
parental of or relating to the role of a mother or father.
paternal having to do with or typical of a father.
polarize to cause to concentrate around opposite points.
transit the act of passing over, across, or through; passage.
transmission the act of sending or carrying from one person, place, or thing to another.
workmanship the art or skill of someone who works with their hands or with machines.