Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beach the land at the edge of a lake, ocean, or other body of water. A beach is often formed of sand or small stones.
bud a swelling on a plant that can grow into new parts, such as leaves or a flower.
care serious attention.
carry to hold and take from one place to another.
dealer a person whose job is to buy and sell.
delicious having a pleasing taste or smell.
erase to remove by rubbing away.
fix to repair.
fond having or showing feelings of love.
gesture to make a motion with the body that expresses a feeling or thought.
lick to pass the tongue over or along the surface of something.
operator a person whose job is to control a machine.
road a long, hard surface for vehicles and people to travel on.
underwater below the water's surface.
uniform a special suit of clothing worn by all members of a particular group.