Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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coalition an alliance, especially a temporary one, of various factions, parties, or nations.
complexion the natural color and condition of the skin, especially of the face.
crypt a burial chamber or underground vault, especially one beneath a church.
decree an official order or decision by a ruler or government.
explosive able to cause an explosion.
forgo to do without, refrain from, or give up.
grovel to be or move about in a bowed or prostrate position, as with fear or humility; cower; cringe.
literary having to do with poems, novels, plays, and essays, or those who write or read them.
metropolitan having to do with a large city and the communities around it.
migrate to move from one region into another.
pesky (informal) pestering or annoying.
portray to make a picture of in images or words.
revival the act or process of renewing or reviving.
sham an imitation that is passed as genuine; counterfeit.
suppliant a person who makes a heartfelt request.